Friday, June 15, 2018

Fresh starts and things

I have been working on putting some thoughts down for a long time.  So much has changed over the course of the past few months.  This place is kind of an outlet. It’s not going to be doom and gloom but it will be a place where I will share some of my thoughts, my passions and how I am going through this thing called life.

I have been separated from my ex since November, but the divorce has been completed pending one more thing...for all intents and purposes it’s dissolved. I never thought I would be a statistic in this regard but I can say it has changed me in more ways than one.  It sucks, it hurts, for all parties. However, it has set me on a path to change so much over the course of the past few months.  I still have some growing to do in some areas but it’s coming around.  The biggest change has been factoring in figuring out the little things...I am doing it but I miss many of the things that come with a marriage and a family that is whole.  It wasn’t the best toward the end, but I still miss it.  I think it will come with time as I continue to allow myself to grow.

Ok, enough of the sappy thing that has changed my life is CrossFit...I know ohhhhh Matt, you’re one of those...CrossFit this CrossFit that...well, many or most of us face special challenges in life and we seek to find something that might help get us over the hurdles.  We tend to want to share what’s working for us and what has helped most.  I started a 6-week challenge in February, and at that point I was already down 30 pounds just by changing diet.  Carbs and sugar, which when going through a crappy phase in your life seems impossible to cut out...well it’s not.  I didn’t go bonkers and cut out everything but I did cut out late night snacks and unneeded carbs.  So when I started the challenge I could have easily just not done it at all.  I was scared crapless but I also was in communication with Nick and his wife who are the owners of CrossFit Get Salty in Palm Harbor, Florida and they soothed my fears.  Let’s take a second and talk about CrossFit...or my preconceived notions of it, I thought it was going to be an hour of pure hell of HIIT training and the coaches were going to be sadistic, pain-inflicting, emotionless, muscle-bound robots.  When I walked into Get Salty I saw some people wrapping up their workout.  I saw a mix of older folks and younger-some had muscles; some did not.  Then I saw Nick. He came right up and shook my hand and introduced himself and his wife Rachel as well.  I let out a deep sigh as he said let me finish this class and we will get you measured and I waited.  As I watched I got nervous since they were doing some barbell work (back squats) I was sure I would never do.  Did the measurements, the weigh in and met in front of the whiteboard.  Then I was introduced to Joel- head coach...exchanged some words and got right to work. Well, I guess what I did that night, my first time using a barbell in YEARS!!  was I sore...I mean SORE the next day.   We did wall-balls and back squats...I could hardly sit down on the toilet. But I loved it, I was hooked.  I haven’t felt the way I do in a very long time.  My self- confidence is through the roof.  I still have moments, but we all do...CrossFit hasn’t turned me into a muscle-bound emotionless robot.  I have been doing it now 5 months and I try to go at least 5 times a week.  I have lifted weight that I never thought I would...ever.  I have started to follow the community, and it has turned into a sort of a family for me.  My kids come with me and they see Daddy doing work and they are part of the CrossFit family at Get Salty.  It’s refreshing to be able to go work out and your kids are welcome as well.  I usually go to the 6pm class.   They have multiple times throughout the day but I always find myself back to the 6pm class.  Those who train at that time are the 6pm crew and really make that time period a “family” fun time.  We motivate and lift each other up.  One gentleman who is TWICE my age comes consistently and that’s all you need; that consistency will allow you to grow and then you’re coming 5+ times a week and it becomes a lifestyle change.  

With this first post just look at it as a small introduction to me, I told you a lot about my interests and what I like to do rather than about me.  I want this blog to not be entirely about my personal thoughts, but more of a springboard for you to read what I have gone through/done to help you grow and be a better you.  #beyou

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello Matthew. That's a very nice topic. My girlfriend and I recently break up and I was devastated. We spend everyday together so I don't have to point that everything reminded me of her and still does, but recently I found out there was someone else while she was still with me, that kind of helped me to move on, anyways; while my days were slow and I couldn't find out myself I decided to rejoin the gym. Needless to say the first days were so challenging, sore muscles all over my body. It was a nice feeling but I wanted to throw the towel. Last week I completed my first month and I'm becoming addicted to those great endorphins. And I think I'm slowly regaining my life by accomplishing little things everyday. So there's hope, and exercise does help amazingly. Please keep updating and keep the good energy. Better times are coming!